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Curtain Raiser - 14th January 2025

150th Year Celebration of India Meteorological Department

Celebrating Excellence in Meteorological Services Since 1875

IMD expresses its deepest gratitude to the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji, for gracing the inaugural program of 150th Foundation Day on 14th January 2025. We are honored with his blessing and words of appreciation to IMD for weather and climate services. The Honorable Prime Minister of India released

  • Customized My Stamp commemorating the 150th foundation day of IMD.
  • Coin commemorating the 150th foundation day of IMD.
  • A coffee table book & IMD Vision 2047, demonstrating a journey from past to present & future in the Amrit Kal.
  • Honorable Prime Minister launched a very ambitious mission entitled “Mission Mausam” with the objective of ensuring that no localized severe weather like heavy rainfall and Thunderstorm goes undetected & unpredicted in a short range of upto 3 days during the next 5 years with complete all India coverage of Radar & augmentation of other observational systems, computing power and numerical modelling. Mission Mausam will lay the foundation for Vision 2047, enabling the common man to be weather-ready & climate-smart to avoid loss of life and property.

We also express our gratitude to the honourable Minister of Earth Sciences, Dr Jitendra Singh Ji, for gracing the occasion & for his words of appreciation for the recent achievements of IMD. We express our gratitude to Prof. Celeste Saulo, Secretary General, World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), for being present on the occasion & appreciating the role of IMD in providing weather and climate science and services to the world.

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