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national MoUs

# Title MoU Signed with
Date of
1Establishment of Meteorological Facility at Bangaluru International Airport.Bangalore International Airport Ltd. and Bangalore Meteorological Centre.27-08-2011
2For Provision of Meteorological Services for Avaition at H A L Airport.IMD and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.(HAL) Bangalore.24.06.09
3For Cooperating Agency for Establishing Experimental Model Observatory.IMD and S V S High School Agumbe (Shimoga District)10.10.2009
4To establish part-time Observatories.IMD and Central Sericulutural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Govt. of India, Mysore.2002
5To establish part-time Observatories.IMD with PTO Haveri15.11.2001
6To establish part-time Observatories.IMD with PTO Dharwad15-11-2001
7To establish part-time Observatories.IMD with PTO Bagalkote.06.08.02
8To establish part-time observatories.IMD with DST Lakshadweep Admn. Kavaratti.01.11.02
9To establish part-time Observatories.IMD with RRII, The Rubber Board, Kottayam..10.11.98
10Development of Data Extraction Software for Autographic Charts.IMD with SAMEER Mumbai.25.08.10
11For Development of MEMS sensorsIMD and Semiconductor Complex Ltd.(SCL)22.06.04
12For Design, Development and Fabrication and supply of MMICS, Transmitter for Radiosonde.IMD and GAETEC Hyderabad.02.12.05
13For Development of Radiotheodolites at 1680 MHz etc.IMD and SAMEER26.02.07
14For installation of auto computation systemIMD and SAMEER21.05.07
15For Development of Radiotheodolites at 1680 MHzIMD and SAMEER21.05.07
16For Development of digital RadiosondeIMD and SAMEER21.05.07
17For Development and supply of HHDC for PB observations.IMD and SAMEER21.05.07
18For Development and supply of Portable phased Array Doppler Sodar.IMD and SAMEER09.08.10
19For the design, Development and commissioning of a Doppler Weather Radar System.IMD and ISRO12.09.95
20Amendment in above For the design, Development and commissioning of a Doppler Weather Radar System.IMD and ISRO28.06.2000
21For provision of Meteorological services for Aviation at Sri Sathya Sai Airport.IMD and Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust(SSSCT)01.06.2010
22For reimbursement of cost of Meteorological Services.IMD and Airport Authority of India17.07.2006
23.Construction of Building (CAMD) at AyanagarIMD & NBCC, Delhi28.11.2011
24To provide qualitative information on weather related aspects specially during Disaster periodsIMD and Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Mitigation Society(APSDMS)24.08.2011
25For Academic and Research collaborationIMD and Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.17.09.11
26For establishment of Network of Automated Weather StationsIMD and Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd.(AFCL)15.02.12
27For Weather forecasting servicesIMD and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.(ONGC)28.09.10
28For Disseminating Weather based Agromet Advisories to farmers through mobile phones.IMD and Nokia India Private Ltd.19.02.11
29For Disseminating Weather based Agromet Advisory servicesIMD and Thomson Reuters India Private Ltd.19.08.09
30For Disseminating Weather based Agromet Advisory services through mobile phonesIMD and IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd. New Delhi28.06.10
31For Disseminating Weather based Agromet Advisory servicesIMD and all 46 State Agriculture Universities similar MOUs with IIT Roorkee,Kharagpur, ICAR centres and two voluntary units01.04.09
32For establishment of Class I Observatories in the campus.IMD(RMC ND) and Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, U.P.18.12.09
33For working towards path breaking developments in meteorology agriculture, hydrology, aviation etc using state of the art computing technologies.IMD and CDAC06-07-2011
34For DTH-based Disaster Warning Dissemination System.ISRO,IMD and Doordarshan Prasar Bharti07.03.11
35For Exchange of Real Time Meteorological and Rainfall DataIMD and Central Water Commission05.04.11
36For analysis of weather climate parameters in Chambal basin and future scenario generation.IMD and Central Water Commission05.04.11
37For INSAT – 3D Meteorological Ground Segment (earth Station)IMD and ANTRIX Corporation Limited11.11.2005
38For Establishment of INSAT – 3D Meteorological Data Processing System.IMD and ANTRIX Corporation Limited29.03.2006
39For Establishing a greenhouse gases(GHGs) monitoring station at Hill Campus.IMD and G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Uttaranchal.21.04.03
40For Development of Data Extraction Software for Autographic Charts.IMD and SAMEER Mumbai01.09.10
41For handing over space and qtrs. to IMD to undertake new activities and IMD to provide drinking water, service road, entry/exit etc.to IIG.IMD and Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Mumbai13.03.09
42For provision of Meteorological Services at Nanded Airport.IMD and Nanded Airport Private Limited(NAPL)27.04.10
43For provision of Meteorological Services at DIU AIRPORT.IMD and Collectorate,Diu Administration (CDA)04-09-2006
44For establishing experimental model observatory.IMD and Cooperating Agency, Ahmedabad14.09.09
45For provision of Meteorological Services at Mumbai International Airport Ltd.IMD,AAI and Mumbai International Airport Ltd. (MIAL)18.08.09
46For Development and Supply of Hand Held Data Loggers (HHDL) for automation of surface observatories.IMD and SAMEER Mumbai01.09.10
47For Development of Industry – Grade Drishti TransmissometerIMD and CSIR-NAL, Bangalore22.06.11
48For Development of Signal Conditioning Card & Auto Computation Software for Ozonesonde & Radiometersonde.IMD and SAMEER Mumbai31.10.07
49For Exchange of Real Time Meteorological & Rainfall Data.IMD and Central Water Commission (CWC)05.04.11
50For establishing experimental model observatoryIMD and Chief Officer Municipality, MAHUVA12.07. 2011
51For Establishment of High-Altitude Cloud Physics Labortary at SATARA (MAH.)IMD and IITM, PUNE05.01.12
52For Dynamical PredictionIMD and IITM, PUNE10-07-2012
53License Agreement for temporary occupation of Railway Land.IMD(RMC Nagpur) and SE Central Railway03-08-2012
54Recognition of advanced Met. Training of IMD equivalent to M. Tech.IMD(MTI Pune) and Andhra University14-06-2011
55Construction of Hostel at Pashan, Pune.IMD (MTI Pune) and IITM, Pune.13-02-2013
56Setting up of Piezometers in IMD premises and Met. Instruments in CGWB premises.IMD (Hydromet) and Central Ground Water Board.10-06-2013
57Project Mode co-operation Agreement between IMD and Finnish Meteorological Department(FMI)IMD and FMI07-02-2014
58Establishment of Part-time observatoryIMD and SCERT, Gurgaon (C. A.)27-05-2008
59Shifting of Part. Time Observatory from Pt. Neki Ram college to Deptt. of Environmental Sc. MDU,Rohtak.IMD(RMC ND) & MDU Rohtak.10-10-2014
60Installation of part-time surface met. Observatory & AWS in Marathwada Institute of Technology, Bulandshahr, U.P.IMD(RMC ND) and Marathwada Institute of Technology, Bulandshahr, U.P28-11-2014
61Installation of departmental Observatory with AWS, Seismograph, AET in the campus of Bundelkhand University, JhansiIMD(RMC ND) and Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, U.P.15-09-2014
62Installation of part-time surface met. Observatory at Sobhasaria group of Institutions, Sikar, Rajasthan.IMD (MC Jaipur) and Sobhasaria group of Institutions, Sikar, Rajasthan.30-10-2014
63Installation of part-time surface met. Observatory at Laxmi Devi institute of Engineering & technology, AlwarIMD (MC Jaipur) and Laxmi Devi institute of Engineering & technology, Alwar.21-01-2015
64Sharing of weather information.IMD (ESSO-IMD) and Power System Operation Corporation Ltd- POSOCO, (Power Grid Corporation), Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi.18-05-2015
65Provision of Met. Services for Aviation at H A L Airport, Bengaluru.IMD (RMC Chennai) and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bengaluru.01-10-2015
66MoU on Heat action PlanIMD and Govt. of Maharashtra, Nagpur Municipal Corporation, Indian institute of Public Health and Natural Resource Defence Council- New York.28-10-2015
67Installation of part-time surface met. Observatory at Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan.IMD (MC Jaipur) and Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan02-11-2015
68Promotion of Agrometeorology Services to Farming CommunityIMD and Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), Pune Maharashtra.15-03-2016
69Collaboration with Indian Institute of Health, Gandhinagar (IIPH-G) on Climate Change Specifically Heat Health in India.IMD and with Indian Institute of Health, Gandhinagar (IIPH-G)17-03-2016
70Cooperation for providing Agrometeorological Services to farmersIMD and Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK), Baramati, Pune(Maharashtra)06-11-2015
71Collaboration for Academic and R&D in the Area of Earth System SciencesIMD and University of Allahabad, U.P.09-08-2015
72Aviation Met. Services at Durgapur AirportIMD & Bengal Aerotropolis Projects Ltd., Kolkata15-11-2014
73Exchange of Meteorological Data & Technical Collaboration with Indian Air Force.IMD and Directorate of Meteorology, Indian Air Force, Delhi.16-08-2016
74Installation of AWS at Mandor, Keshwana, Sumerpur,Samdri and Nagaur in Rajasthan.IMD and Agriculture University Jodhpur-Mandor, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.14-01-2016
75Installation of AWS at NORTHCAP University, Gurgaon, Haryana.IMD and NORTHCAP University, Gurgaon, Haryana.13-04-2016
76Installation of AWS at Sainik School, Ghorakhal, Uttarakhand.IMD and Sainik School, Ghorakhal, Uttarakhand.06-05-2016
77Installation of AWS at Hindustan College of Science & Technology, MathuraIMD and Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura01-12-2016
78Installation of AWSIMD & Amity University of Rajasthan, Jaipur15-11-2016
79Installation of Surface Observatory in the Chauras Campus(Geography) of H N B G University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand.IMD and H N B G University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand.02-01-2017
80Provision of Aviation Met. Services at Shirdi AirportIMD & Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd(MADC), Mumbai05-08-2016
81Establishment of Part-time Observatory at DPS, BharatpurIMD( M C Jaipur) and DPS Bharatpur10-11-2016
82Promotion of Agro-meteorological Services to Farming CommunityIMD and BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune15-11-2016
83Statement of Cooperation Regarding on Citizen DRR Activity Promotion CentreIMD (MC Lucknow) & Institute of Environment & sustainable Development(IESD), Varanasi and SEEDS Asia (Japan)24-01-2017
84Provision of Aviation Met. Services at Sindhudurg AirportIMD(RMC Mumbai) and IRB Sindhudurg Airport Pvt Ltd(ISAPL)20-06-2017
85Collaboration for Co-operation and ResearchSavitribai Phule Pune University and IMD07.03.2019
86LoA for Collaboration for Academic and R&D in AgrometeorologyOrissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubneshwar05.04.2018
87Establishment of costal Research laboratory for NCCR and joint Training Facility at VisakhapatnamIMD and National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR)Chennai26.12.2019
88Establishment of automatic weather station ( AWS)IMD and Organisation for science innovations and research ( OSIR)25.02.2020
89Sharing of Meteorological Information and Data to Build Local Community Resilience to Disasters and Health EpidemicsIMD and Indian Red Cross Society(IRCS)04.02.2019
90Handing Over Two Quarters at M.O. Cherrapunjee(Sohra) to NESAC for conversion into Guest House cum HostelIMD and NESAC, Department of Space, Umiam,Meghalaya24-04-2019
91Advancement of Weather Services in IndiaIMD and ClimaCell In. Pvt. Ltd.05-04-2019
92Sharing of Meteorological Information and Data , Weblink and Early Warning Services and Advisorieries for Lightening Resilient India CampaignIMD and Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council(CROPC)27-03-2019
93Support and Promote Disaster Early Warning Knowledge, Experience –sharing and Joint ProjectsIMD and Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management,15.11.2018
94Extension of MoU onIMD (ESSO-IMD) and Power System Operation Corporation Ltd- POSOCO, (Power Grid Corporation), Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi.18-05-2015
95Commissioning of X-Band Polarimetric Doppler Weather(DWR) at NIOT< ChennaiNIOT Chennai28.09.2020
96Academic and Technical CollborationIMD with IIT Allahabad19-01-2021
97Institutional Cooperation porgrammeGSI Kolkatta with IMD30-12-2020
98Sharing of Meteorological information and early warning Services and AdvisoriesESSO-IMD with One97 communication Ltd12-02-2021
99Establishment of Meteorological observatory and Technical CollaborationIMD with Central university of Rajasthan (CURAJ)17-12-2020
100Identification of weather events and nowcast therof using AI/MLIMD with Vadodara12-10-2020
101Merging department observatory Bhagalpur with the part time observatory in the campus of bihar agriculture universityESSO IMD with BAIU12-11-2020
102Climate change risk assessment, Modelling and Multi hazard ManagementIMD and Amrita vishwa vidyapeetham, kerala25-Jun-21
103Exchange of meteorological Data, Met Equipment, services and Technical collaborationIMD and Indian Air Force , Directorate of Meteorology, VCAS branch18-Aug-21
104Artificial intelligence ( AI ) based weather prediction Model and NowcastESSO- IMD and Google asia Pacific Private Ltd.15-Sep-21
105Collaborate to deepan and strengthen the research relationship for the purpose of providing effective analysis and validation of weather data from INSAT #D/ 3DR and WRF Models and to explore their efficacy in Renewable ( Solar & Wind) Energy Forecasting.IMD and Manikaran Analytics Limited04-03-2022
106Collaboration for academic and R& D in the area of Earth and Environmental ScienceIMD and Mizoram University Aizawl, Mizoram04-04-2022
107Research Collaboration on Precipitation Nowcasting and Validation Weather Forecast Model.IMD and Wolkus Technology Solutions Private Ltd ( Fasal) Bengaluru, Karnataka30-03-2022
108Health, Safety and Environment GroupIMD and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai24-05-2022
109To Develop IoT based Wireless Network for Remote ConnectivityIMD & IIT Delhi30-05-2022
110Development of climate forecast and information based smart application for different sectorsIMD & IIT Bombay(IITB)02-05-2022
111IMD & Amity University Uttar Pradesh ( AU UP) NoidaMoU09-06-2027
112Collaboration in the area of atmosphere and Environmemtal ScienceGuru Gobind singh Indraprastha University ( GGSIPU) & IMD08-06-2022
113IMD & Amity University Haryana (AUH) Gurugram, HaryanaMoU18-07-2027
114Technological collaboration on “ Implementation of Early Warning system for vulnerable Hydro Project// Power Station”Ministry of power Govt. of India & IMD ( MoES) Govt. of India25-07-2022
115Collaboration in case of research, academic, capacity building & Technological Support.IMD and South Asian institute for advanced research and development ( SAIARD)22-09-2022
116IMD & Fakir Mohan University (FMU)18-10-2022
117Recognition of advanced Met Yraining Course of IMD for M.Tech ( Atmospheric Science Degree in The Dept. Of Oceanography and Meteorology, Andhra UniversityIMD and Andhra University Andhra Pradesh06-12-2022
118Analytical and data driven collaboration to improve optimization in electricity distribution and Generation sector and Catalyze Revenue generation for Government UtilitiesIMD and Regent Climate Connect knowledge Solution Pvt. Ltd,14-12-2022
119Cooperation on Establishment of Weather Network Station and real Time Weather Information system for preparedness and Mitigation of Hydro Meteorological Hazards in Uttarakhand StateIMD & Uttrakhand State Disaster Management Authority Goverment of Uttrakhand12-12-2022
120Collaboration in research areas related to weather and extreme events monitoring their forecasting development of various meteorological sensors and devices for meteorological application.IMD & Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna28-01-2023
121Desire to collaborate to disseminate free of cost weather forecast to all farmers and Gram PanchayatIMD and Green Alerts Web Portal29-03-2023
122Academic eccellence in the field of Meteorology and Climate ModelingIMD and National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela09-01-2023
123Desire to collaborate to disseminate free of cost weather forecastIMD and Wingify Foundation, Rohini.29-03-2023
124Automatic Weather Station( AWS)? Automatic Rain Gauge ( ARG)IMD and Assam Power Generation Corporation Ltd. (APGCL)19-04-2023
125Collaboration research programmeIMD And Deccan Education Society’s , Fergusson College (FC), Pune23-03-2023
126Collaborate to deepan and strengthen the country capability of online monitoring of environmental radiation levelIMD and Health Safety and Environment Group, Baba Atomic Research Centre , Mumbai24-05-2022
127Collaborate of academic excellence in the field of Meteorology and Climate Modelling.IMD, Mausam Bhawan & Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Odisha06-05-2023
128Weather forecastESSO-IMD and Power system operation Corporation Ltd ( POSOCO18-05-2023
129Tp provide Services in respect of Various Hydro- Meteorological FacilitiesIndia Meteorological Department and Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)20-06-2023
130Climate Change Risk Assessment, Modeling and Multi Hazard Management ( REVISED MoU)IMD and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Kerala25-06-2023
131For Design & Development of 205MHz Wind Profilers for Meteorological Application of India Meteorological DepartmentIndian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) and India Meteorological Department19-07-2023
132Academic Technical & Climate Research Collaboration & DevelopmentIndia Meteorological Department (IMD) and SIKSHA ‘O’ ANUSANDHAN Deemed University ( SOADU) Odisha12-08-2023
133Collaboration for Academic and R& D in the area of Earth ScienceIndia Meteoroogical Department (IMD) and Mahatma Gandhi Udyanikee & Vanikee Vishwavidyalaya Chhattisgarh18-08-2023
134India Meteoroogical Department (IMD) and CHRIST ( Deemed University)MoU05-10-2028
135C- Band Doppler Weather RadarIMD and25 11-2023
136Installation of X band Doppler Weather Radar ( DWR) and Observatories under the Expansion of Observational Network SchemeIMD and Diamond Harbour Women’s University Sarish South 24 Parganas, West Bengal26-11-2023
137Collaboration & Cooperation of Research Project/ Training/ Publication and Other academic projectIMD and JIS University Kolkatta 81, Nilgunj rd, Jagarata Pally Deshpriya Nagar Agarpara26-11-2023
138Procurement, Installation, Maintenance and utilization of Doppler Weather Radar at Aligarh, Jhansi, Lucknow and Azamgarh in the state of Uttar Pradesh for operational meteorological application and scientific researchIMD and Government of Uttar Pradesh ( GoUP)08-03-2024
139To Develop Academic & Educational Cooperation and Research ProjectIMD and Vikram University, Ujjain Madhya Pradesh09-04-2024
140Public outreach and communication of extreme weather eventsIMD and National Foundation for India06-05-2024
141Collaboration on education, research, out reach program, product innovation and technology commercialization etc.IMD and Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj U.P09-05-2024
142Collection and analysis of climate data as well as forecasting of Indian weather and climateIMD & Reserve Bank of India (RBI)14-03-2024
143To explore possible collaboration on education research outreach programs, product innovation and technology commercialization etc.IMD and Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi10-05-2024
144Analysis of Climate data as well as forecasting of Indian weather and climateIMD and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research ( IISER) Pune04-08-2023
145Technical collaboration to improve optimization in electricity distribution and generation sector and to support further integration of renewable Energy in Indian GridIMD and Renew Private Ltd Gurugram19-06-2024
147Developing a Specialzed Integrated Weather Forecasting Tool for Specific requirements of offshore Exploration & Production ( E & P) Operators in IndiaDirectorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) &22-03-2022
148To improve the livelihoods and resilience of communities of communities in India by enhancing access to and utilization of weather forecast, early warning, agro advisories and various prediction analysis based inputsIMD and Reliance Foundation , Mumbai12-08-2024
149Collaborate to deepan and strengthen the delivery, analysis and use of weather services linked to climate change for improving sustainable Development Goal - 3 ( SDG_3)IMD and SWASTI, bangalore28-08-2024
150Providing all current and weather forecasting infrmationIMD and Integrated Research and Action for Development ( IRADe) , Malviya Nagar New Delhi30-08-2024
151Real Time extreme weather events attribution analysis for predicting weather parametersIMD and JAYPEE institute of Information Technology Noida25-07-2024
152Research collaboration for NASA- ISRO SAR ( NISAR) MissionIMD and Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) Ahmedabad30-09-2024
153Implementation of the NDMP 2019 for the Government of IndiaIMD and All India Disaster Mitigation institute25-07-2024
154To collaborate in principal, on binding on various social development initiatives and projects without finiancial commitment that may arise from time to timeMinistry of Rural Developmrnt (Govt. Of India) Deena Dayal Antodaya Yojana National rural Livehoods Mission ( DAY NRLM) with IMD ( MoES)06-11-2024
155IMD with Synoptic DataMoU05-11-2028
156Collaboration for Co-operation and ResearchIMD & University of Calcutta03-12-2024
157MoU Review Meeting between RBI and IMDIMD & Reserve Bank of India (RBI)17-12-2024