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Actionable Climate Information & Modeling of Climate System

About the Speaker:

Prof Sushil Kumar Dash superannuated from the IndianInstitute of Technology Delhi (IITD) as a Professor andHead of the Centre for Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) andcontinued there as Emeritus Professor for the next fiveyears till August 2018. Subsequently, he was associatedwith the DST CoE in Climate Modelling as VisitingScientist. In his 52 years of experience, Prof. Dash hassuccessfully supervised several PhD, M.Tech andM.Phil./M.Sc./MCA students; published more than 140peer reviewed papers; wrote one book and edited threebooks related to Climate Change in India.Prof. Dash is Fellow of the RMetS and IMS; recipient ofthe prestigious Dr. A. D. Vernekar Award of IMS.