प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 25 मार्च, 2025 : 29-31 मार्च के दौरान ओडिशा में उष्ण लहर के नए दौर की संभािना है।

Press Release: Fresh spell of Heat wave conditions likely over Odisha during 29th-31st March.

Press Release: A fresh wet spell of rainfall is likely over Western Himalayan Region during 24th to 27th March.

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 23 मार्च, 2025: आज पूर्वी भारत के कई हिस्सों में ओलावृष्टि और हवाओं (40-60 किमी प्रति घंटे) के साथ तेज गरज के

Press release - Dr. Jitendra Singh Reviews Mission Mausam and Other Projects of IMD, Pushes for Enhanced Weather Forecasting

Current Weather Status and Extended range Forecast for the next two weeks (13th March to 26th March 2025)

गर्म मौसम की ऋतु (मार्च से मई) के दौरान ऋतुनिष्ठ तापमान और मार्च के दौरान मासिक वर्षा और तापमान का आउटलुक : 2025

Outlook for the Seasonal Temperatures during the Hot Weather Season (March to May) and Monthly Rainfall and Temperatures During March: 2025


Asia - Sector | Infrared-1

Infrared - 1

The infrared 1 channel (10.8 µm) belongs to the Infrared window region (10-12µm) of the electromagnetic spectrum. It provides quantitative measurements of temperature of the underlying surface or clouds. The greatest advantage of IR images is its round the clock (day & night) availability. In black and white IR imagery, white shades i.e. high brightness represents cold areas (higher cloud heights) whereas black shades (low brightness) indicates warm surfaces or low cloud height. Therefore height estimation of different layers of clouds is easier by analyzing IR imagery in comparison to other imagery.

  • Reveals surface and cloud temperatures
  • Used for storm intensity and rainfall estimation
  • Used for tracking cloud features in time to estimate atmospheric motion